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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to sponsor a child?

If you choose to sponsor a child, the cost is only $20 per month.

How long should my sponsorship last?

Being a Sponsor offers you the opportunity to support a child for a number of years, usually through the school year in which the child reaches the age of 18 to 22.  While we hope that you will be able to continue your support of your sponsored child until he or she completes the Handclasp program, we recognize that Sponsors' circumstances sometimes change.  You may discontinue your sponsorship at any time.

Please understand that a sponsored child's circumstances may change, too.  For example, sometimes families move beyond the reach of Handclasp's program and children have to leave Handclasp sponsorship.  We will inform you as quickly as possible if any such circumstance affects the child you sponsor, and we will offer you the opportunity to support another child in need of your help.

Will I be the only person sponsoring the child I am helping?

Yes. The child you are helping has just one Sponsor: You. That is why your prayers, letters and support mean so much to your sponsored child. Even if you choose to sponsor a child as a family or a group (for example, a youth group or a Sunday school class), the child you help will still be relating to your family or group as his or her only Sponsor. No other group or individual will also sponsor the child you help.

What specific benefits will the child I sponsor receive?

The child you sponsor through Handclasp will receive opportunities and services that most of the world's poorest children will simply never see. These opportunities and services include the following:

  • The opportunity to receive an education:

In some cases, this means providing the cost of school fees, clothing and supplies. In other cases, it means providing tutoring, help with homework, encouragement and, if necessary, participation in a literacy program outside the classroom. Your Handclasp sponsorship will allow one special child to stay in school longer if formal schooling is an option and get the most out of his or her education.

  • The opportunity to be healthy:

The health of the child you sponsor will be monitored and care will be provided as needed. Children are taught about hygiene and how to maintain personal health. In addition, and according to their needs, many Handclasp children receive supplementary food.

  • The opportunity to develop self-confidence and social skills:

The child you support will be part of a church-based program where Christian adults offer love, guidance, personal attention, guided recreation and safety.

  • The opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus:

Most important, your Handclasp sponsorship provides the child you sponsor with regular Bible training and encouragement through a local church committed to Christ and the children in its community.

© West East Missions Handclasp Proudly created with

West East Missions Handclasp is a 501 (c)(3) public charity.  Contributions to Handclasp are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. EIN# 95-4649170.

P.O. Box 1506, Lomita CA 90717

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